Lasagne with v2sauce - 7chefs
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Lasagne with v2sauce



Cooking Time

1 Hour

Recipes, v2sauce

For the Bechamel Sauce
– 60g unsalted butter
– 60g plain flour
– 700ml whole milk
– 80g parmesan, finely grated
– Pinch freshly grated nutmeg

– For the béchamel sauce, heat the butter in a medium heavy-based saucepan over a medium-high heat. Add the flour and stir constantly for 3-4 minutes until the mixture starts to smell biscuity.

– Slowly pour in the milk, whisking all the time, for 6-8 minutes until the sauce has thickened.

– Remove from the heat, stir in 20g of the parmesan and all the nutmeg, then season well with salt and pepper.

– Heat the oven to 200°C.


To Make the Lasagne
– 2 tubs of v2sauce Bolognese
– 1 pack lasagna pasta sheets
– 350g extra tasty cheese (grated)

– To assemble, spread a little of the béchamel sauce over the base of the baking dish, then cover with lasagne sheets.

– Pour over a third of the remaining white sauce, sprinkle over a little of the grated cheese and top with 1 tub of v2sauce Bolognese. Cover with another layer of lasagne sheets, top with half the remaining white sauce, then all the remaining v2sauce Bolognese.

– Add the final layer of lasagne sheets, then spread with the rest of the white sauce. Scatter with the remaining grated cheese including the remaining parmesan.

– Bake for 40 minutes or until bubbling brown and golden on top.